Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Poster Development

This is my development for my "Kaiju Battle Scene" poster.
I got a city image and started playing around with it. Since it was a battle scene, the city would look quite destroyed and grimy, depending on what time the image is set in, although I wanted to capture a scene where the battle is still going on.
I began with a custom brush, which allowed me to create smoke plumes and fire. This effect went quite well in my honest opinion, as you can see on the image below.
I then used another custom brush which let me create grime and burned out holes in some for the buildings to make it all look the part.
I then drew a robot walking through the city to add more of a story to the battle scene and did a general tidy up of minor details such as people in the bottom left corner.

After receiving some feedback from my peers, I created more effects, such as the smoke plumes to the right and changed the contrast a little bit to make the poster feel darker and to make it look more like a battle scene.
I also wanted to add little details like the waving flag, although that did not work well with the poster and ruined the atmosphere of the scene.

I also tried experimenting with other effects. I did that by trying to draw a Kaiju within the scene, although I looked back on what feel and look I wanted to capture and scrapped the idea to allow the viewer to use their imagination and perhaps create a little story to visualize what could be/is happening on the poster.

In the final battle scene poster, I did a general tidy up, to again correct some details I missed, such as the lighter high-rise buildings, which didn't fit in with the other darker structures in the poster.

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